
Inviting Moloka‘i Businesses and Nonprofits to Complete Needs Assessment Surveys

Dec 16, 2022

The Moloka‘i Destination Management Action Plan Task Force, comprised of Moloka‘i residents, helps to guide and implement the Moloka‘i DMAP.  Task Force Subject-Matter Committees were formed to work on specific prioritized DMAP actions that the Task Force voted on.  The idea to conduct needs assessments was born from the Subject-Matter Committees that are working to move DMAP actions B.2 (“Support the creation of new businesses (and existing businesses …”))  and D.1 (“Develop voluntourism activities that give visitors opportunities to participate with local nonproft organizations…”). 

The needs assessments are targeted at businesses and non-profits who are looking to grow or transition into new areas that can offer desired experiences and services to visitors and provide more job stability to Moloka‘i residents.  The data gathered from the needs assessments will be used to: 1) create up-to-date databases of Moloka‘i businesses and non-profit organizations; and 2)  identify areas that assistance and support are needed to help Moloka‘i businesses and organizations thrive.

Below are the links to the surveys:

  1. Needs Assessment for Businesses
  2. Needs Assessment for Non-profits

The Mokupuni Collective is assisting the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority with the Needs Assessments.  To find out more about the Mokupuni Collective click here