
Princeville Follows Kaua‘i DMAP

Mar 2, 2023

The Princeville at Hanalei Community Association (PHCA) has created a living document called the Princeville Strategic Plan (PSP) that is based on our Kaua‘i Destination Management Action Plan (DMAP). 

The goals in their strategic plans include 1) Responsibly preserve and maintain what Princeville is, and 2) Make Princeville an even better place to live and visit.

As our Kaua‘i DMAP has (4) interacting pillars – Natural Resources, Hawaiian Culture, Community and Brand Marketing; PSP also has (4) strategic pillars that all interact as well – Amenities, Infrastructure, Open Spaces, and Communication.  These (4) strategic pillars are what their “Sense of Community” focuses on.

Our DMAP is included under their Communication pillar.  Supporting and communicating our action items listed in our DMAP to the Princeville residents and guests helps their mission of working to keep Princeville as a sanctuary on Kaua‘i’s North Shore where residents, visitors, and guests respectfully and responsibly collaborate to preserve a thriving, beautiful, safe and secure place. 

A presentation to the PHCA in December 2022 provided an overview and update of the DMAP which was well-received and all involved see the benefit of the DMAP.  Realizing that it takes the community working together, the PHCA agreed that it is important to share how to respect our Hawaiian culture, traditions and arts, mālama ‘āina (to care for) by taking care of our natural resources, supporting and shopping local all can help us Mālama Kaua‘i now and for the future.

For more information regarding the Kaua‘i Destination Management Action Plan, please contact: Patti Ornellas at [email protected].